CERN Accelerating science

RD42 Papers

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A Study of the Radiation Tolerance of CVD Diamond to 70 MeV Protons, Fast Neutrons and 200 MeV Pions / RD42 Collaboration
We measured the radiation tolerance of commercially available diamonds grown by the Chemical Vapor Deposition process by measuring the charge created by a 120 GeV hadron beam in a 50 μm pitch strip detector fabricated on each diamond sample before and after irradiation. We irradiated one group of samples with 70 MeV protons, a second group of samples with fast reactor neutrons (defined as energy greater than 0.1 MeV), and a third group of samples with 200 MeV pions, in steps, to (8.8±0.9) × 1015 protons/cm2, (1.43±0.14) × 1016 neutrons/cm2, and (6.5±1.4) × 1014 pions/cm2, respectively. [...]
2020 - 19 p. - Published in : Sensors 20 (2020) 6648 Fulltext: PDF;

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A study of the radiation tolerance of poly-crystalline and single-crystalline CVD diamond to 800 MeV and 24 GeV protons / Bäni, L (Zurich, ETH) ; Alexopoulos, A (CERN) ; Artuso, M (Syracuse U.) ; Bachmair, F (Zurich, ETH) ; Bartosik, M (CERN) ; Beck, H (Gottingen U.) ; Bellini, V (INFN, Florence) ; Belyaev, V (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.) ; Bentele, B (Colorado U.) ; Bes, A (LPSC, Grenoble) et al.
We have measured the radiation tolerance of poly-crystalline and single-crystalline diamonds grown by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process by measuring the charge collected before and after irradiation in a 50 m pitch strip detector fabricated on each diamond sample. We irradiated one group of sensors with 800 MeV protons, and a second group of sensors with 24 GeV protons, in steps, to protons cm−2 and protons cm−2 respectively. [...]
2019 - 17 p. - Published in : J. Phys. D 52 (2019) 465103 Fulltext: PDF;

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Investigation of charge multiplication in single crystalline CVD diamond particle detectors / Muškinja, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Cindro, V (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Gorišek, A (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Kagan, H (Ohio State U.) ; Kramberger, G (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mandić, I (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Mikuž, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana ; Ljubljana U.) ; Phan, S (Ohio State U.) ; Smith, D S (Ohio State U.) ; Zavrtanik, M (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) /RD42
A special metallization pattern was created on a single crystalline diamond detector aimed at creating high enough electric field for impact ionization in the detector material. Electric field line focusing through electrode design and very high bias voltages were used to obtain high electric fields. [...]
2016 - 8 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 841 (2017) 162-169

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Performance of a diamond - tungsten sampling calorimeter / Tesarek, R J (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Gilman, Ronald A (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Kumbartzki, G (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Lee, M H (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Rutt, P (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Sannes, F (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Schnetzer, S (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Somalwar, S V (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Stone, R (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Thomson, G B (Rutgers U., Piscataway) et al.
We report here the first measurements of a diamond-tungsten sampling calorimeter. The calorimeter consisted of twenty layers of diamond with one radiation length of tungsten per layer. [...]
RU-94-03; OHSTPY-HEP-E-94-023.- 1994 - 10 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 349 (1994) 96-105
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Effect of Temperature and Charged Particle Fluence on the Resistivity of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Sensors / Wang, Rui (New Mexico U.) ; Hoeferkamp, Martin (New Mexico U.) ; Seidel, Sally (New Mexico U.)
The resistivity of polycrystalline chemical vapor deposition diamond sensors is studied in samples exposed to fluences relevant to the environment of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider. We measure the leakage current for a range of bias voltages on samples irradiated with 800 MeV protons up to 1.6\times 10^{16} p/cm^2. [...]
arXiv:1310.2620.- 2014-01-21 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 735 (2014) 610-614 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint

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Radiation hard diamond sensors for future tracking applications / Adam, W /RD42 Collaboration
2006 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 565 (2006) 278-283

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Investigation of chemical vapour deposition diamond detectors by X- ray micro-beam induced current and X-ray micro-beam induced luminescence techniques / Olivero, P ; Manfredotti, C ; Vittone, E ; Fizzotti, F ; Paolini, C ; Lo Giudice, A ; Barrett, R ; Tucoulou, R
Tracking detectors have become an important ingredient in high-energy physics experiments. In order to survive the harsh detection environment of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), trackers need to have special properties. [...]
2004 - Published in : Spectrochimica Acta, B 59 (2004) 1565-1573

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The development of diamond tracking detectors for the LHC / Adam, W ; Berdermann, E ; Bergonzo, P ; de Boer, Wim ; Bogani, F ; Borchi, E ; Brambilla, A ; Bruzzi, M ; Colledani, C ; Conway, J et al.
Chemical vapor deposition diamond has been discussed extensively as an alternate sensor material for use very close to the interaction region of the LHC where extreme radiation conditions exist. During the last few years diamond devices have been manufactured and tested with LHC electronics with the goal of creating a detector usable by all LHC experiment. [...]
2003 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 514 (2003) 79-86

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Performance of irradiated CVD diamond micro-strip sensors / RD42 Collaboration
CVD diamond detectors are of interest for charged particle detection and tracking due to their high radiation tolerance. In this article we present, for the first time, beam test results from recently manufactured CVD diamond strip detectors and their behavior under low doses of electrons from a β-source and the performance before and after intense (>1015/cm2) proton- and pion-irradiations. [...]
CERN-EP-2000-115.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 9 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 476 (2002) 706-712 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies

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Pulse height distribution and radiation tolerance of CVD diamond detectors / RD42 Collaboration
The paper reviews measurements of the radiation tolerance of CVD diamond for irradiation with 24 GeV/c protons, 300 MeV/c pions and 1 MeV neutrons. For proton and neutron irradiation, the measured charge signal spectrum is compared with the spectrum calculated by a model. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 447 (2000) 244-50 Fulltext: PDF;

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