CERN Accelerating science

The theses collection aims to cover as well as possible all theses in particle physics and its related fields.
The collection starts with the thesis of Feynman, defended in 1942, and covers now alltogether more than 3000 theses. Most of the documents are held as hard copies, theses from later years are available electronically. (Note also that many theses are not physically held by the CERN Library.)


Latest additions:
Search for Long-Lived Heavy Neutral Leptons with Muons at the CMS Experiment and Characterisation of Scintillating Fibre Trackers / Mascellani, Anna
This PhD thesis presents a search for Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs) using data collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [...]


Detailed record - Similar records
Campi-scia ed impedenze di accoppiamento in acceleratori / Giordano, Bonaventura
Le macchine acceleratrici consentono di ottenere su piccola scala condizioni molto simili a quelle che caratterizzarono l'universo primordiale, e permettono allo stesso tempo di aprire uno spiraglio sulle proprietà della materia su scala nucleare e subnucleare, e sulla cosmologia [...]
CERN-THESIS-94-022. - 1994 - 140.

Detailed record - Similar records
Evaluation of real-time event selection mechanisms for the CP-LEAR experiment / Vlachos, Sotirios
CP-LEAR is an experiment dedicated to the measurement, with high accuracy, of several CP violation parameters [...]
CERN-THESIS-93-015. - 1993-04-29 - 154.


Detailed record - Similar records
An analysis of the semileptonic decays of the neutral kaons / Cody, Andrew M.
A study has been made of the $\pi$e$\nu _e$ decays of the neutral kaons using the CPLEAR detector at CERN [...]
CERN-THESIS-96-029. - 06-1996 - 116.

Detailed record - Similar records
Measurement of CP Violation parameters in neutral kaon decay of two charged pions / Carroll, Michael
The CPLEAR experiment at CERN uses the neutral kaon system to make measurements of CP violating parameters [...]
CERN-THESIS-97-024. - 1997-06 - 140.

Detailed record - Similar records
Measurement of CP violation parameters in $ \overline{K}^0\to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0 $ decays / Filipčič, Andrej
A measurement of CP violation parameters in $\overline{K}^0\to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$ decay at the CPLEAR experiment is presented [...]
CERN-THESIS-95-008. - 1995 - 103.

Detailed record - Similar records
Installation des lignes de transfert destinees aux experiences neutrino du CERN a Geneve : etude critique de leur implantation / Dujan Orgiazzi, Josiane
Ce mémoire a pour object l'étude des problemès posés par l'installation des éléments de guidage et de détenction des faisceaux éjectés du Super Synchrotron à protons du C.E.R.N et devant fournir à la chambre à bulles B E B C des particules neutrino [...]
CERN-THESIS-77-002 - 04-1977 - 102.

Detailed record - Similar records
Mise en place d’un nouveau banc d’étalonnage des capteurs WPS (Wire Positioning System) / Perrier, Emilie
Le CERN utilise des capteurs WPS pour déterminer la position d’un fil par rapport à des éléments afin de les aligner [...]
dumas-01339026 CERN-THESIS-2015-490. - 2015-07-06 - 69.

Detailed record - Similar records
importance de la géodésie dans la réalisation d'un forage de haute précision : cas du super synchrotron à protons du CERN / Nottet, Cyrille
La précision coûte cher, en temps, en argent et en personnel [...]
CERN-THESIS-82-003. - 1982-07 - 148.

Detailed record - Similar records
Triangulation - trilateration relatives a l'installation du synchrotron a protons souterrain (SPS) au CERN a Geneve / Diberton, Roland
Since 1954, several particule accelerators were realized by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). These machines allow to accelerate the particules, which, after a certain number of rotations, strike on targets. [...]
CERN-THESIS-75-001.- 01/05/1975 - 132 p.

Detailed record - Similar records