2002-05-15 00:00 |
A Study of Inclusive Double-Pomeron-Exchange in p¯p→pX¯p at √s = 630 GeV
/ Brandt, A. (UCLA) ; Erhan, S. (UCLA) ; Kuzucu, A. (UCLA) ; Medinnis, M. (UCLA) ; Ozdes, N. (UCLA) ; Schlein, P.E. (UCLA) ; Zeyrek, M.T. (UCLA) ; Zweizig, J.G. (UCLA) ; Cheze, J.B. (Saclay) ; Zsembery, J. (Saclay)
/UA8 Collaboration
We report measurements of the inclusive reaction, p pbar -> p X pbar, in events where either or both the beam-like final-state baryons were detected in Roman-pot spectrometers and the central system was detected in the UA2 calorimeter. A Double-Pomeron-Exchange (DPE) analysis of these data and single diffractive data from the same experiment demonstrates that, for central masses of a few GeV, the extracted Pomeron-Pomeron total cross section, sigma_PomeromPromeron, exhibits an enhancement which exceeds factorization expectations by an order-of-magnitude. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 52 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 25 (2002) 361-77
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1998-08-27 00:00 |
Measurements of inclusive λ degrees production with large xF at the SppS collider
/ Brandt, A ; Erhan, S ; Kuzucu-Polatoz, A ; Medinnis, M ; Ozdes, N ; Schlein, Peter E ; Zeyrek, M T ; Zweizig, J G ; Chèze, J B ; Zsembery, J
/UA8 Collaboration
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 519 (1998) 3-18
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1997-12-15 00:00 |
Measurements of Inclusive ¯Λ Production with Large xf at the Sp¯pS-Collider
/ Brandt, A. (UCLA) ; Erhan, S. (UCLA) ; Kuzucu, A. (UCLA) ; Medinnis, M. (UCLA) ; Ozdes, N. (UCLA) ; Schlein, P.E. (UCLA) ; Zeyrek, M.T. (UCLA) ; Zweizig, J.G. (UCLA) ; Cheze, J.B. (Saclay) ; Zsembery, J. (Saclay)
/UA8 Collaboration
We report results of inclusive measurements of anti-Lambda, produced in the forward direction at the SPS with sqrt(s) = 630 GeV, using the UA8 small angle Roman Pot spectrometers. These measurements cover the range in Feynman-x_f and transverse momentum, 0.6 < x_f < 1.0 and 0.4 < p_t < 0.7 GeV, respectively. [...]
1998 - 23 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 519 (1998) 3-18
Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: DURHAM
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1997-10-02 00:00 |
Cross-section measurements of hard diffraction at the Sp¯pS- Collider
/ Brandt, A. (UCLA) ; Erhan, S. (UCLA) ; Kuzucu, A. (UCLA) ; Medinnis, M. (UCLA) ; Ozdes, N. (UCLA) ; Schlein, P.E. (UCLA) ; Zeyrek, M.T. (UCLA) ; Zweizig, J.G. (UCLA) ; Cheze, J.B. (Saclay) ; Zsembery, J. (Saclay)
/UA8 Collaboration
The UA8 experiment previously reported the observation of jets in diffractive events containing leading protons (``hard diffraction''), which was interpreted as evidence for the partonic structure of an exchanged Reggeon, believed to be the Pomeron . In the present Letter, we report the final UA8 hard-diffractive (jet) cross section results and their interpretation. [...]
hep-ex/9709015; CERN-PPE-97-126; CERN-PPE-97-126.-
Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 18 p.
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 421 (1998) 395
Fulltext: ppe-97-126 - PDF; 9709015 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_9709015 - PDF; External link: hep-ex/9709015 PDF
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1992-11-26 00:00 |
The small angle spectrometer of experiment UA8 at the Sp¯pS-collider
/ Brandt, A ; Ellett, J ; Erhan, S ; Jackson, R ; Kuzucu-Polatoz, A ; Medinnis, M ; Oillataguerre, P ; Ozdes, N ; Schlein, Peter E ; Zeyrek, M T et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 34 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 327 (1993) 412-426
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- CERN library copies
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1992-11-11 00:00 |
Evidence for a super-hard Pomeron structure
/ Brandt, A (UCLA) ; Erhan, S (UCLA) ; Kuzucu-Polatoz, A (UCLA) ; Medinnis, M (UCLA) ; Ozdes, N (Cukurova U.) ; Schlein, Peter E (UCLA) ; Zeyrek, M T (Ankara U.) ; Zweizig, J G (UCLA) ; Chèze, J B (SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Zsembery, J (SPhN, DAPNIA, Saclay)
/UA8 Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 15 p.
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 297 (1992) 417-424
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1990-01-29 00:00 |
Evidence for transverse jets in high mass diffraction
/ Bonino, R ; Brandt, A ; Chèze, J B ; Erhan, S ; Ingelman, G ; Medinnis, M ; Schlein, Peter E ; Zsembery, J ; Zweizig, J G ; Clark, A G et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1988 - 13 p.
- Published in : Phys. Lett. B 211 (1988) 239-246
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- CERN library copies
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1990-01-29 00:00 |
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