CERN Accélérateur de science

Icon creation tools

The WebSubmit Icon Creator library ( handles icon creation based on existing fulltext files.

Python API

def create_icon(options):
    """The driver for the icon creation process. This is effectively the
       function that is responsible for coordinating the icon creation.
       It is the API for the creation of an icon.
       @param options: (dictionary) - a dictionary of options that are required
        by the function in order to carry out the icon-creation process.

        The dictionary must have the following structure:
           + input-file: (string) - the path to the input file (i.e. that
              which is to be stamped;
           + icon-name: (string) - the name of the icon that is to be created
              by the program. This is optional - if not provided,
              a default name will be applied to the icon file instead;
           + multipage-icon: (boolean) - used only when the original file
              is a PDF or PS file. If False, the created icon will feature ONLY
              the first page of the PDF. If True, ALL pages of the PDF will
              be included in the created icon. Note: If the icon type is not
              gif, this flag will be forced as False.
           + multipage-icon-delay: (integer) - used only when the original
              file is a PDF or PS AND use-first-page-only is False AND
              the icon type is gif.
              This allows the user to specify the delay between "pages"
              of a multi-page (animated) icon.
           + icon-scale: ('geometry') - the scaling information to be used for the
              creation of the new icon. Type 'geometry' as defined in ImageMagick.
              (eg. 320 or 320x240 or 100> or 5%)
           + icon-file-format: (string) - the file format of the icon that is
              to be created. Legal values are:
              * pdf
              * gif
              * jpg
              * jpeg
              * ps
              * png
              * bmp
           + verbosity: (integer) - the verbosity level under which the program
              is to run;
        So, an example of the returned dictionary could be something like:
              { 'input-file'           : "demo-picture-file.jpg",
                'icon-name'            : "icon-demo-picture-file",
                'icon-file-format'     : "gif",
                'multipage-icon'       : True,
                'multipage-icon-delay' : 100,
                'icon-scale'           : 180,
                'verbosity'            : 0,
       @return: (tuple) - consisting of two strings:
          1. the path to the working directory in which all files related to
              icon creation are stored;
          2. The name of the "icon" file;
       @Exceptions raised: (InvenioWebSubmitIconCreatorError)
        be raised or propagated by this function when the icon creation process
        fails for one reason or another.

See websubmit_icon_creator API for a complete API description.