Update of CERN exchange network

An update of the CERN exchange network will be done next April. Disturbances or even interruptions of telephony services may occur from 4th to 24th April during evenings from 18:30 to 00:00 but will not exceed more than 4 consecutive hours (see tentative planning below). In addition, the voice messaging system will be shut down on March, 26th April from 18:00 to 00:00. Calls supposed to be routed to the voice messaging system will not be possible during the shutdown.
CERN divisions are invited to avoid any change requests (set-ups, move or removals) of telephones and fax machines from 4th to 25th April.
Everything will be done to minimize potential inconveniences which may occur during this update. There will be no loss of telephone functionalities. CERN GSM portable phones won't be affected by this change. Should you need more details, please send us your questions by email to Standard.Telephone@cern.ch.

Date Change type Affected areas
April 8 Update of switch in LHC 7 LHC 7 Point
April 9 Update of switch in LHC 8 LHC 8 Point
April 10 Update of switch in LHC 6 LHC 6 Point
April 11 Update of switch in LHC 4 LHC 4 Point
April 14 Update of switch in LHC 5 LHC 5 Point
April 15 Update of switches in LHC 3 and LHC 2 Points LHC 3 and LHC 2
April 22 Update of switch N4 Meyrin Ouest
April 23 Update of switch  N6 Prévessin Site
April 24 Update of switch N7 Building 39 and 40