Management & Communication: Project Management Case Study

We are pleased to announce the recent launch of a new workshop on Project Management. This is designed for People with budgetary, scheduling and/or organizational responsibilities in a project or a sub-project.
The objectives through a management case study specially suited to CERN are:

  • to become familiar with modern management techniques in use for structuring, planning, scheduling, costing and progress monitoring of a project or a sub-project.
  • to understand in-depth issues associated with Deliverable-oriented Project Management, Earned Value Management, Advanced Project Cost Engineering and Project Risk Management.

The full description of this workshop can be found here.

The next session will be held on 8 October 2004. If you are interested in this workshop, please contact Nathalie Dumeaux, email or 78144.

Calendrier des Séminaires d'octobre à décembre 2004

Situation : 21.09.2004

Séminaires bilingues Dates Jours Places disponibles
Project Management Case study 8 October 1 oui
Introduction to Management 11, 12, 13 October 3 oui
Project Scheduling & costing 11, 12 October 2 oui
Communication Techniques - 1 20, 21, 22 October 3 oui
Quality Management 8, 9 November 2 oui
Risk Management 6, 7 December 2 oui
Seminars in English
Communicating effectively in your team 14, 15 October 2 yes
Séminaires en Français
Animer ou participer à une réunion de travail 15, 16, 17 novembre 3 oui

*Si vous êtes intéressé par un séminaire mais qu'aucune place n'est disponible aux dates indiquées ci-dessus vous pouvez compléter une demande de formation et nous vous contacterons dès qu'une nouvelle session sera fixée.

Nathalie Dumeaux 78144

par Nathalie Dumeaux