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Dressing up the CMS detector

Eighty percent of the crystals for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter barrel have been produced. >>

A royal visit

King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway made a trip to CERN on Tuesday 4 April, taking a tour of part of the LHC and greeting the Norwegian students and scientists at the Laboratory. >>

The new Bulletin arrives in two weeks

In May, you will discover a redesigned CERN Bulletin. Starting with the first May issue (No. 19-20/2006), the format of the CERN Bulletin will change completely. >>

ENLIGHT at its second European appointment

CERN hosts the preparatory meeting of ENLIGHT++ to focus European efforts in light-ion hadron therapy. >>

EGEE enters second phase

This month has seen the launch of the second two-year phase of the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project (EGEE-II), with a transition meeting for the partners held at CERN on 12-13 April. >>

Relay race: ready, set, sign up!

The CERN relay race will take place on Wednesday 17 May starting at 12:15. Details on how to register your team are given on page 5 of the Staff Association Bulletin. >>

Valentine L. Telegdi, 1922-2006

A distinguished physicist, a major personality at CERN, Prof. Valentine Telegdi has passed away. He spent extended periods here as a visitor, carried out many experiments, gave lectures to the summer students and was a member of the Scientific Policy Committee (SPC), acting as chairman from 1981 to 1983. >>

Discovery Mondays: 'Sensors, or the art of measuring limits'

In their study of the infinitesimally small, CERN's physicists, engineers and technicians work at the highest levels of precision. >>

Official News

Declaration of income for 2005  
Information concerning the tax position of Users and Unpaid Associates in France  
Obtaining your annual internal taxation certificate  

Training and Development

Academic Training - Studying Anti-Matter  
Language Training  

General Information

New Procedures for the Management of Computer Accounts  
Safety Bulletin  
Reminder by SC/ME to those in charge of first-aid boxes  
Shipping Service calls on all users of wooden pallets  
E-mail security: mail clients must use encrypted protocols  
Radioactive sources Service  
Work on the Geneva motorway bypass  
New series of Oracle tutorials, May-June 2006  

Staff Association

Café des sciences Marché humanitaire et associatif - French version only  
Special offers Interfon - French version only  
Club's news  
Change priorities!