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It's cosmic show(er) time for CMS

Particles from space are raining on CMS. The collaboration is ready to use these cosmic rays, a natural particle source, to test a 'slice' of their detectors. >>

A word from the DG: The European strategy for particle physics

The CERN Council took the bold and important decision of unanimously approving a European strategy for particle physics at a dedicated meeting held in Lisbon on 14 July. >>

Who is the 100000th 'Cernois'?

The Administrative Information Services (IT-AIS) group issued the 100000th CERN identity number on 20 June 2006... and fears of a bug proved unfounded >>

Python : the holy grail of programming

From 3 to 5 July, CERN hosted the fifth EuroPython Conference bringing together 300 users of Python, an open source programming language, which is more and more appreciated, especially at CERN. >>

Bon voyage to the hadronic calorimeter

It was a grand entourage for the first half of the CMS hadronic forward calorimeter (HF) that was escorted to Cessy, France by the police on 11 July. >>

Official News

New EDH declaration form concerning dependent children aged 18 to 25  

Training and Development

CERN Technical Training 2006: ANSYS Course Sessions (August-September 2006)  
Technical Training: Places available  
Communication & Management  

General Information

Reduction in the number of editions of the electronic Bulletin in August  
Motorway closure near the airport for two nights  
Waste disposal  
Radioactive sources service  
Information from the Dosimetry Service  
Summer Student Programme  
Rules concerning the use of scaffolding