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Four giant steps for the LHC

The LHC and its experiments have made impressive progress in the last month. Installation of the cryogenic distribution line was finished and a sector of the LHC was completely interconnected. For the experiments, CMS successfully lowered two sections of its detector into the cavern and the ATLAS toroid magnet was revved up to maximum current. >>

The first LHC sector is fully interconnected

Sector 7-8 is the first sector of the LHC to become fully operational. All the magnets, cryogenic line, vacuum chambers and services are interconnected. The cool down of this sector can soon commence. >>

End of the line to build a circle

The installation of the cryogenic distribution line in the LHC tunnel is finally finished! All the sectors have undergone pressure and helium leak tests at room temperature, and one complete sector was cold tested in cryogenic conditions. >>

ATLAS: Full power for the toroid magnet

The 9th of November was a memorable day for ATLAS. Just before midnight, the gigantic Barrel toroid magnet reached its nominal field of 4 teslas in the coil windings, with an electrical current of 21000 amperes (21 kA) passing through the eight superconducting coils (as seen on the graph). >>

The grand descent has begun for CMS

Until recently, the CMS experimental cavern looked relatively empty; its detector was assembled entirely at ground level, to be lowered underground in 15 sections. On 2 November, the first hadronic forward calorimeter led the way with a grand descent. >>

CERN welcomes Korea as an official collaborator

On 25 October, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Switzerland, His Excellency Mr Won-Hwa Park, visited CERN. >>

Hundreds of fridges to cool the heart of ATLAS

The detectors used in the LHC experiments are packed with electronics that will register thousands of particles produced in the collisions. All this hard work will generate a lot of heat, but there are systems in place to help the electronics to cool down, not shut down. >>

Farewell to a magnetic year at CERN

For the past four years, successive teams of Indian technical engineers have been spending a year each at CERN to test magnets for the LHC. As the operation approaches completion, three individuals tell us their experiences away from home. >>

W K H Panofsky prize awarded for CP violation

The American Physical Society has recently announced its 2007 winners of the W K H Panofsky prize to CERN's Heinrich Wahl (now at the University of Ferrara), Italo Mannelli from Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and Bruce Winstein of University of Chicago. >>

IEEE prize awarded to CERN PhD student

Rafael Ballabriga Suñe is the recipient of the 2006 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. >>

Literature in focus: The history of radioactivity

René Bimbot, an expert in nuclear physics, will be coming to present his book - The History of Radioactivity. >>

Discovery Mondays - Simulations: using maths to predict the future

CERN's physicists often play with dice, using chance to simulate particle collisions and the tracks they will leave behind them in the detectors. >>

Events at the Globe of Science and Innovation

CERN is organising a series of lectures based on the exhibition >>

Staff members with 25 years' service at CERN in 2006

The 34 staff members who have spent 25 years within CERN in 2006 were invited by the Director-General to a reception in their honour on 1st November. >>

Official News

Gates to the CERN site - Changes and reminder  
Information for members of the personnel residing in the Canton of Vaud and who are required to complete the 2005 income tax declaration  
Performance appraisal and merit recognition exercise 2007  
FINAL REMINDER - Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 18 to 25  
Pension Fund  

Training and Development

Academic Training: Neutrino Physics, Present and Future  
Academic Training: QCD: are we ready for the LHC  
Technical Training: Places available and full programme  

General Information

Practical Guide to Civil Mediation  
Logistics Services Communication  
Communication from the Restaurants 1 and 2  
Reduced heating level during the end-of-year closure  
Geneva University  
Flu Vaccination  
Mail office  
Used batteries - REMINDER  
Nitrogen tank  
Information from IT Department