ANNULE External meeting - Geneva University: The Physics of Graphene - Version Anglaise seulement

GENEVA UNIVERSITY ECOLE DE PHYSIQUE Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVE Tél : 022 379 62 73 - Fax: 022 379 69 92

Lundi 19 mars 2007
17:00 - Auditoire Stueckelberg

The Physics of Graphene
Prof. Andre Geim / University of Manchester

When one writes with a pencil, thin crystallites of graphite are left on the surface. Some of them are only one atom thick and can be viewed as individual atomic planes pulled out from bulk graphite. Until two years ago, this strictly 2D material called graphene was presumed not to exist in the free state. I will overview our experimental work concentrating on its electronic properties, which are governed by equations of the relativistic quantum physics rather than the standard Schrödinger equation. Most unusual phenomena found in graphene include two new types of the quantum Hall effect, a finite conductivity \approx e^2/h in the limit of vanishing carrier concentrations, the suppression of weak localization and an intrinsic microscopic crumpling of free-hanging graphene.