Short-film Festival at the Globe
Get out your diaries and prepare to be star-struck as the Globe of Science and Innovation meets the silver screen! The CERN "Open Your Eyes Films" film-making club is organising a festival of short films entitled CinéGlobe from Thursday 8 to Saturday 10 November.
On the Thursday and Friday, you’ll be able to watch 47 short films free of charge in the Globe of Science and Innovation at various times of the day. The short films to be screened come from 21 different countries and have been selected from among 1400 entrees! All film genres will be represented : comedy, drama, animation, documentaries, experimental films, etc.
Members of the public will even be able to vote for their favourite film: the audience’s favourite will be awarded a "Coup de coeur" award. An awards ceremony to honour the films that have received most votes will be held on Friday evening in the Globe of Science and Innovation. The Golden CinéGlobe for best short film will be awarded by an international jury of film experts. Attendance at the ceremony will be by invitation only but it will be broadcast live on the Web (
For all professional and amateur audiovisual enthusiasts, audiovisual workshops will be held on the Saturday. They will be hosted by local audiovisual experts. There will be six sessions, with film screenings, including local films, and discussions. Calling all film buffs! Register now at the CinéGlobe web site!