3rd CERN-Fermilab HadronCollider Physics Summer School

The school web site is http://cern.ch/hcpss with links to the academic programme and the application procedure.


The goal of the CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer Schools is to offer students and young researchers in high-energy physics a concentrated syllabus on the theory and experimental challenges of hadron collider physics.

The third session of the summer school will focus on exposing young post-docs and advanced graduate students to broader theories and real data beyond what they’ve learned at their home institutions.

Experts from across the globe will lecture on the theoretical and experimental foundations of hadron collider physics, host parallel discussion sessions and answer students’ questions. This year’s school will also have a greater focus on physics beyond the Standard Model, as well as more time for questions at the end of each lecture.

The 2008 School will be held at Fermilab.

Further enquiries should be directed to mailto:sazama@fnal.gov

by EP Department