Refurbishment and extension of the terrace of Restaurant No.1

Work to refurbish and extend part of the terrace of Restaurant No.1 started in the first week of October and should last about two months. This is just a small part of the wide-ranging site infrastructure consolidation programme that began in April 2009.

The new terrace, covering a surface area of 1770 m2 (compared with 1650 m2 today), is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2010 and will run all the way around the Restaurant No.1 extension. Work on the latter will affect part of Building 501 during the period from April to October 2010.

The new dining room will seat some 275 additional customers (see picture).

Part of the Cedars car-park will remain closed until some time in December to provide site access for trucks transporting construction materials, plant, etc.

CERN Bulletin