

Happily CLOUDy

While the LHC experiments are fine-tuning their equipments waiting for ‘glamorous’ beams, CLOUD has finished its assembly phase and is starting taking data using a beam of protons from the 50 year-old Proton Synchrotron (PS). Here is a quick detour around a cutting-edge physics experiment that will shed light on climate-related matters. >>

Half way round the LHC

The LHC operations teams are preparing the machine for circulating beams and things are going very smoothly. ALICE and LHCb are getting used to observing particle tracks coming from the LHC beams. During the weekend of 7-8 November, CMS also  saw its first signals from beams dumped just upstream of  the experiment cavern.   >>

Falling walls

It was 20 years ago this week that the Berlin wall was opened for the first time since its construction began in 1961. >>

Your chance to shape internal communication at CERN

Effective internal communication is essential to any organization, particularly one like CERN that is host to a large, varied and geographically widespread community. >>

The truth about Birds and Baguettes

Last week, a power cut caused by a malfunction in an electrical substation made headlines around the world. >>

CERN’s policy in the field of knowledge and technology transfer goes global

The KTT Group was established in January 2009. Its responsibilities include identifying CERN know-how and technologies with the potential to generate innovation outside high-energy physics, making them... >>

From the Proton Synchrotron to the Large Hadron Collider: 50 Years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics

As a new era in particle physics approaches with the start of the LHC, a symposium to commemorate many significant events that have marked high-energy physics in the past 50 years will be held at CERN on 3-4 December 2009. >>

A celebration of science in the Pays de Gex and at CERN

The “Fête de la science” runs from 16 to 22 November tis year and CERN will once again be taking part, in partnership with the Euroscience Léman Association. Throughout the week, science will be placed in the spotlight in the Pays de Gex, through a variety of presentations, exhibitions, lectures and workshops.   >>

Science in cartoons

How do you communicate to people the importance of major scientific discoveries and that science isn't the property of any particular group of individuals or privileged regions? An entertaining strip cartoon illustrating the history of science can succeed where other forms of communication fail. >>

Teacher in Residence: Bringing Science to Students

CERN welcomes its first Teacher in Residence, Terrence Baine of the University of Oslo. Baine, who originally hails from Canada, will be concurrently completing his PhD in Physics Education during his time at CERN. Like CERN’s High School Teacher Programme (HST), of which Baine is an alumnus, the Teacher in Residence position is designed to help educators spread the science of CERN in a form that is accessible to students and can encourage them to pursue physics throughout their education. >>

Space shuttle crew training at CERN

From 13 to 16 October, the crew of NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-134 came to CERN for a special physics training programme. Invited here by Samuel Ting, they will deliver the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) detector to the International Space Station (ISS). >>

Open your eyes and vote!

The CERN film-making club is organizing the second edition of the CinéGlobe International Short Film Festival and everyone is invited to attend a series of selection screenings in November to vote on which they like and think should be publicly shown in the Globe and at the Forum Meyrin in February 2010. >>

Betting on better scientific literacy

Dmitry Zimin, founder of the Russian philanthropic foundation Dynasty, visited CERN on 23 October. Zimin, who is himself a scientist and businessman, founded Dynasty in order to support scientific education and a greater public understanding of scientific thinking. >>

MedAustron board visits CERN

On 14 October, the board of EBG MedAustron, which is overseeing the construction of Austria’s hadron therapy centre, visited CERN. The visit recognized the relationship of shared knowledge, technology and training between CERN and MedAustron.   >>

Klaus Goebel - 1926-2009

Klaus Goebel, an early leading figure in radiation protection at CERN, passed away on 1 October 2009. >>

Jan Koopman - 1957-2009

We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr Jan KOOPMAN on 31 October 2009. Mr Jan KOOPMAN, born on 28. >>

Training and Development

Language Training  
CERN Technical Training: available places in forthcoming courses  
New Office Software course format!  
Journée LabVIEW au CERN  

General Information

Thank you  
CERN’s Drinking Water  
Extension of the car park of Building 40  
Preparation for retirement seminar  
Geneva University