

A final test for AMS at ESTEC

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) left CERN on Friday 12th February on the first leg of its journey to the International Space Station (ISS). The special convoy carrying the experiment arrived at the European Space Agency’s research and technology centre (ESTEC) in the Netherlands at 4.30 pm on Tuesday 16th February. AMS will then fly to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida before lifting off aboard the space shuttle.   >>

A partnership between physics and health

  Ever since pioneers like Rolf Wideröe and Ernest Lawrence built the first particle accelerators in the 1920s and 30s, particle physics has contributed to advances in medicine. >>

Towards the end of the technical stop

After several weeks of hard work, the short technical stop of the LHC accelerator is coming to an end. Following a very intense campaign to repair and retest many thousand high voltage connectors, the upgraded magnet protection system is being commissioned. During this period, the current in the main dipole and quadrupole magnets is carefully increased up to 6kA, required to collide protons at 7TeV centre-of-mass energy. This has been achieved for most of the sectors.   >>

Everything you always wanted to know about the Higgs boson but were afraid to ask…

The God particle, the particle that gives mass to all other particles, the main reason for building the LHC, the missing piece of the Standard Model... Although all this is enough to generate reams of headlines and long articles in the world’s press, it doesn’t explain the true nature of the famous particle at all. The Bulletin discovers the Higgs boson in theory before the LHC does it in practice (if it exists!).   >>

A brand new science for the planet

“When the problem gets complicated, networking is the solution”. This is nothing new in principle but what Bob Bishop has in mind is one of those novelties that have the potential to change the course of history. He proposes to start networking sciences to create new knowledge. All this for the benefit – and the survival – of the planet.   >>

Journalists, you are welcome at CERN!

The easiest way for journalists from all over the world to really grasp what happens here at CERN is to come and have a guided tour of the facilities and get the information directly from selected scientists. Renilde Vanden Broeck, senior CERN Press Officer, is there to organize the visit and take the best care of them. >>

Programme for International Women’s Day

CERN will be organising a number of actions to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March. >>

Human diversity in images

A photo contest is being jointly organized by the CERN Equal Opportunities team and the CERN Photo Club. All you need to do is submit a photo or quotation. The contest is open to everyone.   >>

The right balance

Over the course of her career as a physicist, Felicitas Pauss, currently responsible for CERN's External Relations, has often been the sole woman in an environment dominated by men. While she freely admits that being a woman physicist can have as many advantages as disadvantages, she thinks the best strategy is to maintain the right balance.   >>

New co-operation agreement between CERN and JINR

CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer (left) and JINR Director Alexei Sissakian (right). >>

Romania becomes a candidate for accession to CERN

Romanian Minister Daniel Petru Funeriu, and CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer. >>

Table tops game:and the winner is...

The challenge to identify the events on the coffee tables in Restaurant 1 was clearly a tough one. Congratulations to the few brave entrants! Tuula Maki was the only person to correctly identify all 16 events on the coffee tables in Restaurant 1 and so receives the prize of a copy of the pop-up book, Voyage to the Heart of Matter. >>

CERN pursues its partnership with the Department of Haute-Savoie

The third framework agreement between CERN and the Department of Haute-Savoie was signed at an official ceremony in Archamps, Haute Savoie, on 4 February 2010. The main theme of the agreement, which lays down the guidelines for collaboration between the two parties, is the transfer of knowledge and technology. >>

New Management for CMS

Guido Tonelli, new CMS spokesperson >>

Jean Alesi and his son Giuliano visited CERN

Jean Alesi, former F1 racing driver, and his kids visited CERN on Monday 1st February 2010. The Bulletin and the Video productions team had the opportunity to meet him. >>

Marcel Vivargent

(Photo LAPP ) Marcel Vivargent died on 31 January of this year, aged 87. After obtaining a science degree in 1949, he joined the CNRS in 1951, starting out in the laboratory of Frédéric Joliot Curie at the Collège de France, and obtaining his doctorate in 1958. >>

Official News

Security scanning of Web sites at CERN  
Security scanning of Web sites at CERN  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: available places in forthcoming courses  
Language Courses  

General Information

Information from the Import/Export of radioactive material Service  
Preparation for retirement seminar  
Conference on the treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis - Postponed  

Staff Association

Resignation at the PFGB  
Lettre ouverte au Président du Conseil du CERN  
Chronologie d’une décision sans cesse reportée  
Fundraising for Haiti  
Club Artemusa  
Concert Club  
Nursery school  