Launch of the new CERN Admin e-guide

The CERN Admin e-guide is a new guide to the Organization's administrative procedures, which has been drawn up for the benefit of members of the personnel and the various administrative services alike and replaces the old "Administrative Procedures Manual". All the different procedures currently available on separate department sites will henceforth be accessible at a single website.


Home page of the new CERN Admin e-guide.

The goal of creating a compendium of CERN's administrative procedures, available at a single website and accessible with a simple click of the mouse, has now been realised.  "It had become difficult to know where to find the relevant up-to-date information on administrative procedures", says Yaël Grange-Lavigne of the HR-SPS-OP Section (Organisation and Procedures), coordinator of the working group that compiled the e-guide.

The team, which comprised members of the HR Department, observers from other departments, representatives of the Departmental Secretariats and the HR Department's legal advisers, began working on the project in October 2008. "We met once a week and set ourselves clear objectives, such as making it easier to find information, promoting transparency, ensuring traceability and improving the presentation to make the procedures easier to read and more user-friendly", explains Yaël. 

The staff survey conducted by the HR Department in 2009 underlined the need to improve communication on the application of the Staff Rules and Regulations. "The time had come to harmonise the procedures applied by the various departments and to present them in a more modern and user-friendly way", says Gabriele Thiede, head of the Organisation and Procedures section.

That goal has now been achieved: by simply entering a key word in the CERN Admin e-guide you can go straight to the administrative procedures, in English and French, that derive from the application of the Staff Rules and Regulations.  The site will be gradually supplemented to cover all CERN's administrative procedures.

We invite you to take a look at the new CERN Admin e-guide as soon as you get the chance. A questionnaire allowing you to give your feedback and suggestions will be available shortly.

by Laëtitia Pedroso