Université de Genève - Exotic hadrons, Light Higgs and Dark Forces at BABAR
École de physiqueDépartement de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 GENÈVE 4
Tél. (022) 379 62 73
Fax: (022) 379 69 92
Lundi 1er novembre 2010
à 17 h. – Amphithéâtre Stückelberg
From fundamental research to applications: examples
from the Paul Scherrer Institute
Professeur Joël Mesot / Paul Scherrer Institute
à 17 h. – Amphithéâtre Stückelberg
From fundamental research to applications: examples
from the Paul Scherrer Institute
Professeur Joël Mesot / Paul Scherrer Institute
The Paul Scherrer Institute, PSI, is the largest research centre for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. Centered around the so-called large-scale facilities (muon, neutron, photons) the research activities concentrate on three main subject areas: Structure of Matter, Energy and Environment, and Health. After a short review of the history of PSI, I shall, for each topic, present a few recent research highlights accompanied with examples of industrial applications resulting from fundamental research projects: new X-ray imaging techniques, proton therapy devices or new materials for fuel cell applications. Finally, the future free-electron laser facility SwissFEL planned at PSI will be presented.
Une verrée en compagnie du conférencier sera offerte après le colloque.
Organisateur : Prof. Markus Büttiker
by Section de physique