The CERN Global Network opens its doors to companies

Six months after its launch, the CERN Global Network already has almost one thousand members. Today, it is opening its doors to companies from CERN's Member States. This will open up a variety of new professional and career opportunities to all the members and will enhance the networking capabilities of all parties involved.

Screenshot of the CERN Global Network website.

A new item has recently appeared on the top menu of the Network's website: “Organisations”. This is the entry point for companies and, later, research institutes, wishing to join. “The CERN Global Network brings together hundreds of people who have worked at or with CERN and who have a wealth of skills and expertise. Thanks to the Network, the job opportunities made available by the companies will become visible to the wider community,” says Linda Orr-Easo, a member of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Group and the CERN Global Network Manager.

In addition to creating new career opportunities for all its members, opening membership to companies makes the Network a virtual place where experts in the same field, but coming from different communities, can exchange ideas and knowledge. “You can use the CERN Global Network as a tool to interact with people – individual members, experts from companies and, later, from research institutes – that you may not easily reach otherwise. Through the ‘Groups’ too, virtual discussion rooms can be created. There are many possible topics, and one example is project management, which may or may not be the same seen from an industrial point of view and the point of view of a research environment,” says Linda.

The Network is built around people for networking and exchanging knowledge. “Each member joins the Network on an individual basis. Therefore, a company wishing to join the Network has to nominate a representative to become a member. After that, he/she will be able to invite other individuals from the same company who are experts in their field to join, ” explains Linda.

After the companies, membership of the CERN Global Network will also be opened up to research institutes and universities worldwide. There will then be targeted knowledge exchange activities. This will provide a lot of interesting opportunities concentrated in just one global website!

For further information on the CERN Global Network, please contact


by Francesco Poppi