Safety Training: scheduled sessions in April

The following training courses are scheduled in April. You can find the full Safety Training programme on the Safety Training online catalogue.

If you are interested in attending any of the below courses, please talk to your supervisor, then apply electronically via EDH from the course description pages, by clicking on SIGN-UP.

Registration for all courses is always open – sessions for the less-requested courses are organized on a demand-basis only. Depending on the demand, a session will be organised later in the year.

Biocell Training
26-APR-11 (08.30 – 10.00) in French
26-APR-11 (10.30 – 12.00) in French

Conduite de plates-formes élévatrices mobiles de personnel (PEMP)
28-APR-11 to 29-APR-11 (08.00 – 17.30) in French*

Sécurité chimique – Introduction

29-APR-11 (09.00 – 11.30) in French

(*) session in French with the possibility of receiving the documentation in English


By Isabelle Cusato (HSE Unit)


by DGS Unit