News from the Library: Ebooks: 15,000 and counting
After an inspiring lecture of the Summer Student program, would you like to get hold of the books suggested by the speaker? The Library is there to help you.
As you probably know, the CERN Library has greatly expanded its selection of online books. More than 15,000 e-books are now available at CERN, covering a wide range of disciplines - nearly one fourth of the whole book collection is available online.
Recently, a small but very interesting selection of Wiley e-books has been added to our Digital Library, among them some books in high demand. Have you ever tried to get hold of "Introduction to elementary particles" by David Griffiths and found that all copies were on loan, although we had added plenty of them to our collection? Try the online version: we have expanded our collection to infinity!
Similarly, you will be able to read "RF Superconductivity: Science, Technology, and Applications" by Hasan Padamsee online, as well as many more titles here.
If you are already on holiday and wish to enjoy access to ebooks wherever you are, please remember that remote access service is available at
See all CERN ebooks at
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by CERN Library