SubClones (Alan Parsons) visit CERN – and the subatomic world

While the LHC has been creating subatomic particles, Alan Parsons has re-entered the studio with his new project, SubClones. The three-piece electronic rock group has joined the legendary Alan Parsons Live Project on tour, and their common friend Patrick Geeraert gave them the chance to drop into CERN for a visit.


Alan Parsons during his visit to CERN.

The Alan Parsons Live Project is back on tour, with dates scheduled for the end of the summer across Europe and the Americas. A stop at CERN recently complemented a day off between two cities and allowed the band to move from the frontier of the music industry to the frontier of science. “We saw everything there was to see at CERN,” explains Alan Parsons. “It was all fascinating stuff but unfortunately we couldn’t see what was underground, though, so I think we will have to come back.”

Parsons’ new project, SubClones, features three members whose identities remain a secret. Although the Clones’ faces were hidden with intriguing metallic mesh masks during the visit , they enjoyed the sites and shared some insight into the connections that can be made between music and science. “Science as a language is very similar to music. Science is a universal language in the same way that music is,” explains pClone, lead singer of SubClones. “It is everywhere, and influences you every day.”

The SubClones at work in SM18.

The SubClones concept draws on three ‘outer worldly’ members. “SubClones are a band that has a message of hope for a turbulent world,” says pClone. “We see both a dark side and a positive side to change – a changing society that we cannot control leaves a lot of people uneasy, but we try to create a positive message that can be shared outside of ourselves.”

SubClones’ EP is available for download through ITunes and they have made available a free download of their track ‘Thank You Card’ on their website.

by Jordan Juras