CERN balances linear collider studies

The forces behind the two most mature proposals for a next-generation collider, the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) study, have been steadily coming together, with scientists from both communities sharing ideas and information across the technology divide. In a support of cooperation between the two, CERN in Switzerland, where most CLIC research takes place, recently converted the project-specific position of CLIC Study Leader to the concept-based Linear Collider Study Leader.


The scientist who now holds this position, Steinar Stapnes, is charged with making the linear collider a viable option for CERN’s future, one that could include either CLIC or the ILC. The transition to more involve the ILC must be gradual, he said, and the redefinition of his post is a good start. Though not very much involved with superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) technology, where ILC researchers have made significant advances, CERN participates in many aspects of ILC-related studies through combined working groups, site studies and detector and physics activities.

“Now, over the next year, we will have a new Linear Collider organisation that provides a common discussion base, more than before,” Stapnes said. At the end of this year, CLIC completes its Conceptual Design Report. After that comes the fulfillment of the ILC mission, the delivery of its Technical Design Report (TDR) at the end of 2012. The linear collider leaders are still discussing and deciding the shape of the post-2012 linear collider community.

This article is part of a longer one published on the ILC Newsline. Find the whole story here.

by ILC Newsline