Women's Club
Coffee Morning
Tuesday 13th March 2012, 9:00 – 11:00 - Bldg 504 (Restaurant No 2 – DSR) - 1st Floor, Club Room 3.
German Theme
Those interested in helping should come along.
New arrivals and all members are cordially invited.
You can enrol for membership, renew membership, find out about and sign up for our activities.
Visit our website:
CWC – Chinese Women's Community at CERN With an increasing number of Chinese people working at CERN, there are also surely an increasing number of Chinese women in the area, who are not always familiar with the environment, languages, or the people. In the context of the CERN Women’s Club, let's meet together and chat about integrating into the local community, available activities, commerce’s, restaurants, etc. It is also obviously a good opportunity to meet new friends. Everyone is welcome to join us to meet for tea, coffee, and a chat. We will meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month, starting on 20th March 2012, in building 504 (Restaurant 2) in room E-005. 20th March at 9-11am For more details contact Mme Jean RODERICK, +41 (0) 76 426 61 08,
| CWC-華人茶敍 越來越多華人攜家帶眷來到CERN工作,在新的環境𥚃生活上一定會有很多疑難,尤其語言的隔閡更是一大困難。有見 及此,CERN 婦女會 (CERN Women's club) 組織了一個給在CERN的華人婦女門聚會的機會,聊聊天、結交新的朋 友、交流一下生活點滴。 自三月份開始,每個月的第三個星期二在504號大樓 (餐廳 No.2) 的二樓E-005房間聚會。 3月20日,上午9-11點 聯絡人:周展齡 Jean Roderick |