Cine Club
Thursday 3rd May 2012 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber
Projection de courts-metrages de la serie des Orient-Express.
special event of the "Festival du Film Oriental de Geneve.
Original version Arabic; English subtitles
Projection from DVD – Entrance free.
For info
Special event on Star Wars Day
May the 4th be with you! To celebrate Star Wars Day on May the 4th, the Cineclub will be organising a projection of the Star Wars trilogy: - Episode 4 : A New Hope
he projection will take place at the Main Auditorium starting at 18:30 and finish around 2 am. | Que la force soit avec vous ! Pour célébrer le Star Wars Day, le Cinéclub organise une projection de la trilogie Star Wars le 4 mai. - Episode 4 : A New Hope
La projection se tiendra dans l’Amphithéatre principal, commencera à 18 h 30 pour finir vers 2 h. |
Original version English; French subtitles.
Entrance free.
Projection from DVD.
For info
by Cine Club