Keeping you safe by making machine tools safe

CERN’s third safety objective for 2012 concerns the safety of equipment - and machine tools in particular.


There are three prerequisites for ensuring that a machine tool can be used safely:

·      the machine tool must comply with Directive 2009/104/EC,

·      the layout of the workshop must be compliant, and

·      everyone who uses the machine tool must be trained.

Provided these conditions are met, the workshop head can grant authorisation to use the machine tool.

To fulfil this objective, an inventory of the machine tools must be drawn up and the people responsible for them identified.

The HSE Unit's Safety Inspection Service produces compliance reports for the machine tools. In order to meet the third objective set by the Director-General, the section has doubled its capacity to carry out inspections: 1,100 machines will be inspected in total.

Additionally, specialists in the HSE Unit are available to take you through the simple customised risk analysis process for the use of machine tools and to help you take steps to ensure compliance.

CERN has a duty to ensure that its equipment is well maintained and fully compliant. The HSE Unit is here to help and can provide you with the relevant Safety Rules and interactive software. This service is free so make sure you use it!

The HSE Unit will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us at

HSE Unit