Rugby Club

CERN Wildcats (Women Rugby Team),  Season_2011-2012_act_II


After a booming start of season, the reputed Wildcats team (women team of the RC CMSG) went all around Switzerland to play their away games for the second part of the championship, Basel, Berne, Lucerne and Zurich. The team still motivated and united tried to play its best Rugby and rise up its play level game after game. The statement is promising, indeed our players end up at the forth place just behind the biggest teams gathering most of the Swiss National players. Besides the regular championship, the Wildcats, this year again, acquired experiences at Rugby 7’s in participating to an international Rugby sevens tournament, the famous Amsterdam Sevens and also in being part of the Swiss sevens tournament. To end on a high note this excellent season, the Wildcats organized on June the 9th, a friendly women Rugby tournament at St-Genis-Pouilly pitch. With the attendance of 6 teams, this day was a success; it delighted all the players and enthralled a good number of supporters thanks to the high level of play and the great organization.

Finally, no aestival break for the Wildcats, the training will go on all summer long and you are welcome to come and support the Wildcats who will attend the Geneva Beach Rugby on the 4th and 5th of August.

by Rugby Club