Séminaire de physique corpusculaire
« From radio halos to Fermi bubbles »
par Dr Philipp MERTSCH - Université d’Oxford & Université de Stanford
Mercredi 19 septembre 2012, 11h15
Science III, Auditoire 1S081
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Genève 4
Résumé : Diffuse radiation fields pervade the Galaxy from radio waves to gamma-rays and encode a plenitude of information about non-thermal processes. For other studies, e.g. dark matter searches, CMB analysis or even for faint point sources, they constitute an irreducible background and need to be subtracted off. I will focus on diffuse Galactic emission in the radio and in gamma-rays describing new ways to understand and model them. Particular mention will be made of the recently detected Fermi bubbles and I will suggest a theoretical picture that can explain both their energy spectrum and morphology.
Plus d'informations ici.