Fitness Club
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Your supervisor makes your life too tough ! You really need to release the pressure you've been building up ! Come and join the fit-boxers. We train three times a week in Bd 216, classes for beginners and advanced available. Visit our website
General Fitness
Escape from your desk with our general fitness classes, to strengthen your heart, muscles and bones, improve you stamina, balance and flexibility, achieve new goals, be more productive and experience a sense of well-being, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtime, Tuesday mornings before work and Thursday evenings after work – join us for one of our monthly fitness workshops.
Nordic Walking
Enjoy the great outdoors; Nordic Walking is a great way to get your whole body moving and to significantly improve the condition of your muscles, heart and lungs. It will boost your energy levels no end.
A body-conditioning technique designed to stretch, strengthen and balance the body. Pilates targets the deep postural muscles within the body through a series of exercises aimed at building muscle strength and rebalancing the body. Excellent for improving posture, strength and flexibility and aligning the body correctly, pilates also teaches coordination, concentration and control of the body.
Power Lifting
Powerlifting is a strength sport, which is simple as 1-2-3 and efficient.
The "1-2-3" are the three basic lifts (bench press, squat and deadlift) which involve most muscles of your body. For men the essence of the powerlifting training is "don't look strong, be strong", for women the strength training combined with general fitness classes is an effective calories-burning activity as this combination boosts the metabolism. Tools (free weights and "the big three" lifts) don't change, but weights and number of sets and repetitions do change a lot, thus redefining strength conditioning strategy depending on your needs. Powerlifting as a sport requires many things, including physical strength, speed, stamina, and skill. We have a professional equipment and advanced knowledge in strength training, and we will be happy to share this with you - join the club, and explore your potential :)
It’s fun, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health. It’s truly addictive!
by Fitness Club