Ready, set, logo!

Over recent months, you might have noticed a crisp new look beginning to appear at CERN, our vehicles carry uniform branding, signage is being refreshed and slowly but surely, everything from letterheads to websites is coming into line with CERN’s new graphic charter, which we’re now giving an official launch.


The visual image we project carries an important message about CERN to the world, and as our visibility grows it's increasingly important for that message to be that CERN is a modern and innovative organization with a clear sense of its own identity. This is something our founding fathers understood – it was they who developed the original CERN logotype, which has stood the test of time and today forms the cornerstone of our graphic charter. Full details of the charter, its rules and applications, as well as templates for all kinds of stationery can be found here.

A graphic charter is a living resource that will evolve along with the Organization. Adoption of the charter will allow us to project a clean and coherent image to the world, worthy of the fundamental values of the Organization. Our design guidelines and logo symbolise who we are, and I strongly encourage you to use them. In short, it’s time for ready, set, logo!

Rolf Heuer