Visit of the President of the Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie

On 23 October 2012, Christian Monteil, President of the Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie, visited CERN accompanied by a delegation of Departmental representatives and members of the Departmental services.


Christian Monteil, signing the official guest book. From left to right: Philippe Bloch (CERN), Frederick Bordry (CERN), Felicitas Pauss (CERN), Rolf Heuer (CERN Director-General), François Excoffier (Conseil Général, President of the Economy, Research and Higher Learning Commission), Christian Heison (Vice-President of the General Council, delegate for the economy and research – Department of Haute-Savoie representative to CERN) and Jean-Louis Mivel (Conseil Général, member of the Economy, Research and Higher Learning Commission).

The Department of Haute-Savoie has been cooperating with CERN in the field of technology and knowledge transfer since 1996 in the form of financial support for joint projects involving CERN and industry and institutions from the Department. A total of some 4 million euros has been paid to date.

The members of the delegation had the opportunity to see for themselves what has been achieved over recent years and to discuss the potential for new partnerships with members of the CERN personnel.

A strengthening of the already strong links between the Organization and its picturesque neighbour is bound to follow!

by CERN Bulletin