Administrative circular No.14 (Rev. 3) – Protection of members of the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and incapacity for work
Administrative Circular No. 14 (Rev. 3) entitled “Protection of members the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and incapacity for work”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 19 April 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department.
This circular is applicable to all members of the personnel.
It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 14 (Rev. 2) entitled “Protection of members of the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and disability” from July 2006.
The circular was revised in order to improve the procedure before the Joint Advisory Rehabilitation and Disability Board (JARDB) and the management of long-term sick leave through a multidisciplinary approach launched upstream. The aim of this approach is to allow staff/fellows concerned to return to work as soon as possible and in the best possible conditions.
Department Head Office
HR Department