New logo

Logo Competition: a huge success

Our logo competition, launched on 3rd December 2012, has sparked interest at CERN and has even crossed the boundaries of the local area since, among the 57 proposals, some are from Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey and Cameroon.

We thank all the participants who have demonstrated creativity and originality. The jury of seven people met on 31st January to select three of the six finalists. A difficult choice given the quality and diversity of ideas.

Now it's your turn to make a choice

From Monday 4th October to Friday 15th February, the logos will be on display on the 1st floor of the Main Building (Mezzanine). CERN employed members of the personnel (staff members, fellows and apprentices) are invited to select three other finalists by electronic vote until Friday 15th February at noon.

The six selected logos will be then submitted to the members of the Staff Association for an electronic vote from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd February at noon.

The winning logo and the name of the winner will be published as from 25th February on the Staff Association website and in Echo. The award ceremony will take place within the following 15 days.

by Staff Association