Catalysed fusion: a very different book about CERN
Not many books get reviews resulting in headlines like "Steamy novel challenges CERN's serious image", "Love and death at CERN" and so on. But Francis Farley's book "Catalysed Fusion" does not leave its readers untouched.
Those of you who have been around some time will know Farley from when he worked at CERN. For "newcomers", Farley is a well-known physicist who put together the first experiment on the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and has since taken part in all the experiments relating to this phenomenon.
The back cover of his book reads:
"A sizzling romance and a romp with subatomic particles at CERN. Love, discovery and adventure in the city where nations meet and beams collide. Life in a large laboratory. As always, the challenges are the same. Who leads? Who follows? Who succeeds? Who gets the credit? Who gets the women or the men?
Young Jeremy arrives in CERN and joins the quest for green energy. Coping with baffling jargon and manifold dangers, he is distracted by radioactive rats, lovely ladies and an unscrupulous rival. Full of doubts and hesitations, he falls for a dazzling Danish girl, who leads him astray. His brilliant idea leads to a discovery and a new route to cold fusion. But his personal life is scrambled. Does it bring fame or failure? Tragedy or triumph?"
If you want to meet the author and learn about how this book came to be, come to the Library and join the discussion.
Literature in Focus
Francis Farley presents his book "Catlysed Fusion"
CERN Library (building 52-1-52)
Tuesday 16 April at 3:30 p.m.
*** Tea and coffee will be served at 3:15 p.m. ***
par CERN Library