Move! Eat better: Try out a pedometer!
Looking for your next challenge after a successful leg in the CERN relay race? Want to get started on a new fitness regime? Hesitating to take the plunge or just a bit curious?
…and for those who already do a lot of exercise, think of your neurones:
Physical activity is good for your brain!
It has been shown that physical activity has positive effects on mental health and cognitive function through:
• the secretion of endorphins, which have an exhilarating, relaxing and analgesic effect,
• the combination of serotonin and dopamine, which improves the balance of your mood,
• an increase in protein concentration, which improves the malleability of the brain, with positive effects for certain illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease,
• from a psychological point of view: improved confidence and self-esteem.
The list of the benefits of physical activity is long, and keeps getting longer as more research is carried out… [see the article in CHIS Bull 37].
The recipe for success?
Every step counts! And it’s probably easier than a 30-minute workout at the gym. Recording the number of steps you take can become an incentive to move more and it gives you a good idea of whether you’re doing enough exercise to stay fit, or not...
Why not borrow a CERN pedometer? Click!
by CERN Medical Service