Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 6 novembre
Particle sensors in CMOS Technologies, Dr Ivan Peric, Heidelberg University.
Mercredi 6 novembre 2013, 11h15
Science III, Auditoire 1S081
Boulevard d’Yvoy, 1211 Genève 4
Abstract: The use of pixel sensors implemented in standard CMOS technologies has gained in popularity over the last decade. The most prominent application is consumer electronics – the sensors for digital cameras. CMOS sensors are also a promising option for high energy physics. An overview of existing CMOS detector structures for particle tracking will be given, and their properties compared.
Organisé par le Prof. Teresa.Montaruli@unige.ch et le Prof. Giuseppe.Iacobucci@unige.ch.
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