"Particle Fever": avant-premiere at CERN Main auditorium on 10 December, at 19:30
CERN people will have the chance to see an avant-première of the "Particle Fever" film in the CERN main auditorium on Tuesday 10 December at 19:30. The director, Mark Levinson will be in attendance to speak with the audience about the film after the screening.
CERN and its experiments have been the focus of innumerable documentary television productions, news spots, and other forms of media. However, until now no film about the search for the Higgs Boson has been made for theatrical release, in the classical documentary tradition.
"Particle Fever" has received numerous awards and traveled to festivals around the world, where it has consistently played to sell-out audiences. The film will begin a commercial theatrical run in the United States in early 2014, but CERN people have the chance to see an avant-première in the
CERN main auditorium on Tuesday, 10 December, at 19:30.
The director, Mark Levinson, has worked on films such as "The English Patient" and "Cold Mountain", but he also has a PhD in physics. Mark will be in attendance to speak with the audience about the film after the screening.