Discover POPSCIENCE on Researchers' Night
On Friday 26 September 2014, CERN will be celebrating European Researchers' Night at three venues in Geneva and St. Genis-Pouilly. Inspired by Andy Warhol, this year's theme is “Pop science is for everyone”.
Every year, on the last Friday of September, the European Researchers’ Night takes place in about 300 cities all over Europe, with funding from the EU, to promote research and highlight researchers in engaging and fun ways for the general public.
Andy Warhol said, “Pop art is for everyone”. This year, “Pop science is for everyone” is the motto of the Researchers’ Night event organised by CERN and its partners*. The night will offer everyone the opportunity to learn about the latest discoveries in physics and cosmology through poetry, theatre and music. This will be in addition to the event's traditional activities for the general public.
To attract new audiences, the event will be held at three locations outside CERN: at FNAC Rive and Théâtre de la Madeleine in Geneva, and at Théâtre du Bordeau in St. Genis-Pouilly. Here are some of the highlights of the very rich programme:
Six European poets, selected by the World Academy of Poetry, visited CERN to meet physicists and to be inspired by the laboratory. Their poems will be unveiled at FNAC at 6 p.m. in the presence of Hubert Reeves and the poets themselves.
Through “Origins”, a multi-arts theatre show created by Marie-Odile Monchicourt and Michel Spiro staged at the Théâtre du Bordeau in St Genis at 7 p.m., the audience will experience the quantum vacuum and debate with the artists and scientists involved, among them Hubert Reeves, Etienne Klein and Michel Spiro.
Science Cafés
FNAC’s Urban Café will be the stage for a series of Science Cafés, where CERN scientists will entertain the audience with stories of the particles that are pushing the frontiers of knowledge, as well as medicine, music and the arts. The final café to close the night, entitled “Big Bang, Higgs, Les exoplanètes… et moi ?” will be at the Théâtre de la Madeleine in Geneva at 10 p.m. and will star Hubert Reeves, Etienne Klein, Michel Mayor and Fabiola Gianotti.
Ask a Researcher
CERN’s researchers will “occupy” two floors of FNAC Rive. All the screens in the shop will feature videos and animations about the discovery of the Higgs boson, the LHC, the spin-offs of particle physics and much more!
Activities for kids, quizzes, games, music based on LHC data, a photo exhibit devoted to “collisions” and liquid nitrogen marshmallows will complete the programme of this very special night!
*POPSCIENCE Partners: Subway edizioni, the Origins Association, The World Academy of Poetry, the University of Geneva, FNAC and the Mairie de St Genis-Pouilly.
For more information and updates on the programme visit:
Volunteers for POPSCIENCE wanted The POPSCIENCE organisers at CERN are recruiting volunteers for the “Ask a Researcher” event or as support staff for the other activities. Shifts start at 4 p.m. and finish at 10 p.m. on Friday September 26. A good level of spoken French would be appreciated. In return: POP T-shirts, food and drinks, and a lot of fun! Register at: Contact: |