Women’s rugby tournament | 27 September
Women’s rugby tournament
Saint-Genis rugby pitch - Golf des Serves
27 September 2014 - 10 a.m.
For the third consecutive year, the women's rugby club of CERN Meyrin St Genis, The Wildcats, are organising a women’s 7's rugby tournament. With the support of the Office Municipal des Sports of St Genis-Pouilly and various other sponsors, we will be welcoming 10 teams ready to fight it out for victory!
Bring your family and friends for a great day of rugby! Come and discover the values of team spirit in rugby and support your local team (RC CMSG). An initiation for kids between 4 and 10 years old will be organised by school rugby trainers.
There will also be a live music concert. Food and drink will be available all day.
Concert schedule
6 p.m.: Bad spirits out of the boot
7 p.m.: SoundHazard
8 p.m.: Miss Proper & the Moving Targets
9 p.m.: Fuzzy Dunlop
More information on: http://www.facebook.com/events/509236532536269/