Available: motorised platform

The COMPASS collaboration would like to offer to a new owner the following useful and fully operational piece of equipment, which is due to be replaced with better adapted equipment.


Please contact Erwin Bielert (erwin.bielert@cern.ch or 160539) for further information. 

Motorized platform (FOR FREE):  

Fabricated by ACL (Alfredo Cardoso & Cia Ltd) in Portugal. The model number is MeXs 5-­‐30. 
Specifications: 5 m wide, 1 m deep, adjustable height (1.5 m if folded). Maximum working floor height: 4 m. conforms to CERN regulations, number LV158. Type LD500, capacity 500 kg and weight 2000 kg. 

If no interested party is found before December 2014, the platform will be thrown away.

by The COMPASS collaboration