Available: motorised platform
The COMPASS collaboration would like to offer to a new owner the following useful and fully operational piece of equipment, which is due to be replaced with better adapted equipment.
Please contact Erwin Bielert (erwin.bielert@cern.ch or 160539) for further information.
Motorized platform (FOR FREE):
Fabricated by ACL (Alfredo Cardoso & Cia Ltd) in Portugal. The model number is MeXs 5-‐30.
Specifications: 5 m wide, 1 m deep, adjustable height (1.5 m if folded). Maximum working floor height: 4 m. conforms to CERN regulations, number LV158. Type LD500, capacity 500 kg and weight 2000 kg.
If no interested party is found before December 2014, the platform will be thrown away.