

Technology for helping people

The first THE Port hackathon problem-solving workshop was held at CERN from 31 October to 2 November in the framework of the 60th anniversary celebrations. The aim of the event was to develop technological projects that can help to solve the day-to-day needs of people living in areas of the planet that experience conflicts or natural disasters. >>

Helping CERN give back to society

The CERN & Society mission: ‘To spread the CERN spirit of scientific curiosity for the inspiration and benefit of society.’ >>

LS1 Report: A brand new set-up for ASACUSA-CUSP

ASACUSA is running for the first time with a totally new set-up. Three new vital instruments have been designed, produced and installed during LS1 in addition to several other major modifications. The collaboration is now ready to perform the first high-precision measurement of the hyperfine structure of antihydrogen – a study that aims at comparing the inner properties of matter and antimatter. >>

ALICE opens its new nerve centre

Twenty-nine fully equipped and ergonomic workstations, one meeting area and 11 large format screens in a completely refurbished room: the ALICE Run Control Centre (ARC) implements the best and newest solutions for its shift workers and expert operators, including access for persons with reduced mobility and very soon a magic window for Point 2 visitors. >>

CERN & Society launches donation portal

The CERN & Society programme brings together projects in the areas of education and outreach, innovation and knowledge exchange, and culture and arts, that spread the CERN spirit of scientific curiosity for the inspiration and benefit of society. Today, CERN & Society is launching its "giving" website – a portal to allow donors to contribute to various projects and forge new relationships with CERN. >>

Gender: an issue for science?

Last week, CERN was invited to participate in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regional review meeting on how to accelerate gender equality in the European region. Representatives from CERN joined the conversation and proposed concrete examples of what needs to happen to enable more active participation by women in science and in decision-making positions. >>

CMS launches new educational tools

On 5 and 11 November, almost 90 pupils from the Fermi scientific high school in Livorno, Italy, took part in two Masterclass sessions organised by CMS. >>

An exercise in safety

On 14 October, a large-scale evacuation exercise took place. Ten buildings (1-2-3-4-50-51-52-53-58-304), with a total capacity of almost 1900 people, were successfully evacuated. >>

Mystery photos: challenge No. 3!

In recent weeks, we have been asking Bulletin readers to help us identify mystery pictures from the CERN archive. >>

Computer Security: Geneva, Suisse Romande and beyond

To ensure good computer security, it is essential for us to keep in close contact and collaboration with a multitude of official and unofficial, national and international bodies, agencies, associations and organisations in order to discuss best practices, to learn about the most recent (and, at times, still unpublished) vulnerabilities, and to handle jointly any security incident. A network of peers - in particular a network of trusted peers - can provide important intelligence about new vulnerabilities or ongoing attacks much earlier than information published in the media. In this article, we would like to introduce a few of the official peers we usually deal with.* >>

Emilio Picasso (1927-2014)

It was with great regret that all who knew and had worked with Emilio received the sad news of his death on 12 October. While being deeply interested in fundamental physics, he had a particular gift for leadership: transmitting enthusiasm, being open for discussion, but also capable of making hard decisions when necessary. Emilio’s joviality, loyalty and friendliness with staff at all levels made him a colleague and friend appreciated by everybody. >>

Official News

CHIS - Information concerning the health insurance of frontalier workers who are family members of a CHIS main member  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in November and December 2014  


Tree felling 2014  
Closure of Microcosm for refurbishment  
Upcoming renovations in Building 63  
Safety training news  


Lecture | Accelerating innovation... in medicine: particles that fight cancer | 20 November  
France @ CERN | Come and meet 37 French companies at the 2014 “France @ CERN” Event | 1-3 December  

Staff Association

Garantir l’excellence du CERN : consolider l’expérience  
Collectes à long terme  
Dancing club  
Micro club  
Cine club  
Learning classical music club  
Orienteering club  
WoMen's club  