Ciné club
Thursday 5 February 2015 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber
Stranger Than Paradise
Directed by Jim Jarmusch - USA, 1984, 89 minutes
A self-styled New York hipster is paid a surprise visit by his younger cousin from Budapest. From initial hostility and indifference a small degree of affection grows between the two. Along with a friend, they eventually end up visiting their aunt in the wastelands of Cleveland and then proceed to Florida where they lose all their money gambling before unwittingly gaining a fortune.
Original version English; French subtitles
Thursday 12 February 2015 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber
Down by Law
Directed by Jim Jarmusch - USA, 1986, 107 minutes
DJ Zack and pimp Jack end up in prison for being too laid-back to avoid being framed for crimes they didn't commit. They end up sharing a cell with eccentric Italian optimist Roberto, whose limited command of the English language is both entertaining and infuriating -but rather more useful to them is the fact that Roberto knows an escape route.
Original version English / Italian ; English subtitles
par Ciné club