Safety during MARS exercise

It is MARS(1) time again! All employed members of the CERN personnel are currently undergoing the annual MARS evaluations.


This is also a good occasion for supervisors and their supervisees to fill in or update the OHS-0-0-3 form(2) “Identification of occupational hazards”. Filling in the OHS-0-0-3 form is an opportunity to assess any safety issues related to the supervisee's activities. 

Each of us should, together with our supervisor, regularly identify and assess the hazards we may be exposed to in the course of our professional activities and reflect on how to control and mitigate them.

When filling in the OHS form for the first time, it is important to determine any potential hazards as well as the corresponding preventive measures, in particular training and protective equipment.

When updating the form, please review the available information to ensure that it still corresponds to the current activities. The form should be updated whenever the activities of the supervisee change. We also recommend keeping an inventory of any safety training courses followed over the past year. Thus the supervisor and the supervisee will be able to identify the most suitable preventive measures and any safety training courses to be followed in the coming year.

Once the necessary safety training has been identified, do not forget to register for the corresponding courses! 

For any questions, please contact:


(1) Merit Appraisal and Recognition Scheme:

(2)Form available via EDH.