Composition of the Joint Advisory Appeals Board (JAAB) - 2015 Exercise
Appointed by the Director-General
Member Nicole POLIVKA / GS
1st deputy Mats MØLLER / IT
2nd deputy Ramon FOLCH / EN
Appointed by the Staff Association
Member Flavio COSTA / IT
1st deputy Almudena SOLERO / DG
2nd deputy Eric VEYRUNES / BE
Ms Polivka and Mr Costa have drawn up the following list of staff members from among whom the Chairperson of the Board may be chosen when required:
Sandrine BAUDAT / FP Pierre CHARRUE / BE
François BRIARD / DG Joel CLOSIER / PH
François BUTIN / EN Django MANGLUNKI / BE
Etienne CARLIER / TE Pedro MARTEL / GS
Mediators [see Administrative Circular N° 6 (Rev. 1) entitled "Review procedure"] will also be selected from this list of ten staff members.
The composition of CERN official bodies for 2015 is available in this document.
HR Department
by HR Department