International Geneva: discover the world of meteorology and climatology

On 7 May, the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) will give a seminar presenting WMO’s work to colleagues at CERN. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the UN’s authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its weather and its climate.


This is the second in the “International Geneva comes to CERN” series of seminars, which presents other Geneva-based international organisations to CERN’s internal audience. At his seminar, Michel Jarraud, the WMO Secretary-General, will discuss the many fields for which the WMO provides world leadership and expertise. They include weather, climate, hydrology and water resources, as well as related environmental issues. “Both CERN and WMO deal with scientific issues, and this makes the two organisations naturally very close to each other, including in their efforts to advocate for the importance of science and scientific education for the development of society,” says Maurizio Bona, who is in charge of CERN’s relations with international organisations and is organising the series of seminars.

The two organisations signed a Cooperation Agreement in 2010. Since then, several exchanges have taken place between them. In particular, CERN’s IT experts have been involved in consultations regarding the possible use of CERN’s expertise by WMO in its fields of activity. The agreement provides CERN and WMO with a framework for cooperation through which joint initiatives are discussed and implemented.

As in the first seminar, given by Michael Møller, Acting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), on this occasion the audience will be not only able, but warmly encouraged, to ask questions and interact with the speaker. “At the UNOG seminar, the formal presentation only took 20 minutes but we had more than 50 minutes of direct and open exchange of views between the participants and the speaker,” says Bona.

Put 7 May in your diary: the seminar will be held in the Main Auditorium and will start at 11 a.m. The event will be webcast and a recording will be made available shortly afterwards.

by Antonella Del Rosso