Ciné club
Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber
Read My Lips

Directed by Jacques Audiard
France, 2001, 105 minutes
Young secretary Carla is a long-time employee of a property development company. Loyal and hardworking, first to arrive and last to leave, Carla is beginning to chafe at the limitations of her career and is looking to move up. But as a 35-five-year-old woman with a hearing deficiency, she is not sure how to climb out of her humdrum life, though she is confident in her own abilities. Into her life comes Paul Angeli, a new trainee she decides to hire. Paul is 25 years old and completely unskilled, but Carla covers for him when the need arises because of his other qualities - he's a thief, fresh out of jail and very good-looking. It's a case of good meeting bad.
Original version French; English subtitles
Wednesday 20 May 2015 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber
Directed by Andrzej Jakimowski
Poland, 2012, 105 minutes
Set in Lisbon, at an institute for the blind where children are taught to live with their disability, to not take risks, and to be comfortable at all times. Ian a non-conformist teacher who is also blind is hired at the school and introduces revolutionary methods: Rejecting the use of a cane, Ian teaches the children to achieve spatial orientation by using all of their senses including moving by the resonance of sound vibrations (echolocation), instinct, and the creative use of their imagination. Confident and even slightly over-aggressive, Ian charms the children and gives them a reason to hope, though they are always testing and questioning him to prove that he is one of them and never seem quite convinced of his sincerity. Ian's sessions take place right under the window of Eva, an adult patient who never leaves her room and does not speak to anybody. Surprisingly, she becomes one of his most responsive students and there is even a hint of romance. ..
Original version English/French/Portuguese/German; English subtitles
par Cine club