Cine club
Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber

Directed by Robert Zemeckis
USA, 1997, 150 minutes
Contact is the story of a free thinking radio astronomer who discovers an intelligent signal broadcast from deep space. She and her fellow scientists are able to decipher the Message and discover detailed instructions for building a mysterious Machine. Will the Machine spell the end of our world, or the end of our superstitions? Will we take our place among the races of the Galaxy, or are we just an upstart species with a long way to go?
Original version english; french subtitles
Wednesday 15 July 2015 at 20:00
CERN Council Chamber
A Serious Man
Directed by by Ethan Coen and Joel Coen
USA, 2009, 106 minutes
Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern physics teacher, watches his life unravel over multiple sudden incidents. Though seeking meaning and answers amidst his turmoils, he seems to keep sinking.
Original version english; french subtitles
by Cine club