From the CERN web: Collide@CERN, Fermilab neutrinos and more

This new section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing...


Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt. (Photo: Matthias H. Risse).

Collide@CERN Ars Electronica Award goes to “Semiconductor”
10 August – Collide@CERN

Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt, two English artists collaborating under the name Semiconductor, are this year’s recipients of the Collide@CERN Ars Electronica Award. In the coming months, they will begin a two-month residency at CERN. 

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Illustration: Fermilab/Sandbox Studio.

Fermilab experiment sees neutrinos change over 500 miles
7 August - Fermilab press release

Scientists on the NOvA experiment saw their first evidence of oscillating neutrinos, confirming that the extraordinary detector built for the project not only functions as planned but is also making great progress toward its goal of a major leap in our understanding of these ghostly particles.

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SpecTrometer for Exotic Fission Fragments. (Image: University of Manchester/A Smith).

STEFF and the nuclear option
31 July – UK News from CERN

Preparations are underway at CERN to install an unusual experiment that was previously collecting data at a nuclear reactor in Grenoble. STEFF (the SpecTrometer for Exotic Fission Fragments) is helping to make making nuclear energy safer and more efficient by looking at the gamma decay of the products of fission reactions.

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Two simultaneous proton-proton collisions inside the LHCb detector shown by the pink ellipses.

Is a ‘b’ to a ‘u’ quark transition modified by a new particle?
27 July – LHCb Collaboration

The LHCb collaboration published on 27 July in Nature Physics a paper based on Run 1 data which reports the determination of the parameter |Vub| describing the transition of a ‘b’ quark to a ‘u’ quark.

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The Insertable B-Layer (IBL), ATLAS new sub detector. (Photo: Heinz Pernegger).

Physics and performance with 13 TeV proton collisions
30 July – ATLAS Collaboration

The year 2015 began for the ATLAS experiment with an intense phase of commissioning using cosmic ray data and first proton–proton collisions allowing the ATLAS physicists to test the trigger and detector systems as well as to align the tracking devices. First data in so-called "stable-beam" conditions, required for physics analysis, were recorded on 3 June 2015.

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A 13 TeV collision recorded by the CMS detector, showing two high-energy particle jets with a collective mass of 5 TeV. (Image: Thomas McCauley and Tai Sakuma).

CMS presents first results with 13 TeV at 2015 EPS-HEP Conference
27 July – CMS Collaboration

The CMS Collaboration at CERN presented a range of new physics results at the EPS-HEP conference in Vienna. The results include the first analyses with LHC Run 2 data, as well as more than 30 new analyses performed on the Run 1 dataset.

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Assembling strings of optical modules (Image: INR RAS).

A new neutrino telescope for Lake Baikal
22 July – by Grigory Domogatsky in the CERN Courier

In early April, members of the Baikal collaboration deployed and started operation of the first cluster of the Gigaton Volume Detector (Baikal-GVD). Named "Dubna", the cluster comprises 192 optical modules arranged at depths down to 1300 m. The modules are glass spheres that house photomultiplier tubes to detect Cherenkov light from the charged particles emerging from neutrino interactions in the water of the lake.

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