CERN Library | Konrad Kleinknecht presents: "Risiko Energiewende: Wege aus der Sackgasse" | 19 November
Thursday, 19 November 2015 at 4 p.m.
CERN Library (52-1-052)
Coffee will be served at 3.30 p.m.
The opting-out from the nuclear energy programme in Germany was hastily decided in the summer of 2011. Now it has become evident that there are no realistic plans for the conversion of the energy supply infrastructure in the foreseen ten-years time frame. Time is too short to reorganise our whole energy distribution system and consequently our economy. What is missing is a solid empirical base to tackle the issues of the reliability of supply, of the affordability, of the economical impact and social justice. Therefore, this conversion risks to be a failure, due to its contradictions. In his book, Konrad Kleinknecht tries to identify problems and to find solutions. For him, the following questions arise: how far can we cover part of the energy provision through wind and solar energy? What sources of energy are efficient and reliable? Can we phase out coal power plants? Do we need new power lines? How do we store current? How likely is the risk of a power outage in a night without wind? Are the prices of energy going to further increase? Is it still possible to avoid the strong risks of the energy conversion though a major reform of the "Renewable Energy Act" (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes, EEG)?
Energy provision must serve the Public Good and profit Germany as an industry location. A blackout would be a catastrophe for the whole country, and it must be avoided by all means.
"Risiko Energiewende: Wege aus der Sackgasse", by K. Kleinknecht, Springer, 2014, ISBN 9783662468876.
par CERN Library