And after the elections!
What happens to the newly elected, and the re-elected delegates after the election of the new Staff Council? (see Écho No 47-48 / 2016).
It is the outgoing Staff Council which is responsible for preparing the new staff representatives to take on their new roles. To do this, information days are organized in the form of assizes. This year they took place on November 23 in the afternoon; as well as on November 24, bringing together the new Staff Council.
These days mainly aim to inform delegates about the role of the Staff Association (SA) at CERN, ist the organs, committees, forums, etc.; with whom the SA interacts, how the work of the Staff Association is organization, the issues on which it works (e.g., the Five-Yearly Review..). These days are like a kind of "induction".
Inform, but not only!
Assizes are also aiming to integrate the newcomers, inviting them to discover the various internal committees of the SA, explaining to them the challenges ahead as well as defining the action plan for 2016. They offer new delegates, if they wish, a godparent (a kind of mentor). In short assizes help them to find their place.
Amongst all this information and the presentations of the internal committees, training possibilities are also mentioned; for example the internal training "How to live one’s mission as delegate" whose main objective is to help and prepare new delegates to perform their mission and to assume their new status.
Finally, the question of forming the new Executive Committee (EC) is dealt with, in view of the election of the new EC in early December. But this will be the topic of an upcoming article in which the Executive Committee will be presented together with its action plan for 2016, as well as the challenges that the Staff Association will face in the coming year.
The Staff Council, what is it?Staff Council is the supreme representative body of the CERN staff and pensioners. It is composed of staff delegates who represent ordinary and associated members and retired delegates who represent retired members. These representatives are elected by the members of the Staff Association for a mandate of two years. The Council is competent, amongst others, to: