

Pickin’ up good vibrations

In preparation for the civil engineering work on the HL-LHC, vibration measurements were carried out at the LHC’s Point 1 last month. These measurements will help evaluate how civil engineering work could impact the beam, and will provide crucial details about the site’s geological make-up before construction begins. >>


This is my last message to CERN personnel as Director-General, and the overriding sentiment I’d like to pass on is ‘thank you’: it has been a fantastic seven years. I’ve been privileged to be DG through amazing times, and thanks to the efforts of many we are at the threshold of a golden era for our field.  >>

LHC Report: serving a hot, dense soup for Christmas

With just a few days left until the end of the year, the LHC is finishing 2015 with yet another successful heavy-ion run. This has been possible thanks to a great deal of dedication and professionalism on the part of many people throughout the Organization. >>

Evaluating and measuring impact: where and how?

On 12 and 13 November, a workshop on “Evaluation in international organisations” took place at CERN. Fourteen internal auditors and planning and policy analysts, from six different international organisations, discussed whether and how to evaluate the impact of their organisations’ programmes on the target beneficiaries.  >>

CBI students: target hit!

The students on the third Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) @CERN course have been working on their society-oriented projects since September. Last Thursday, 10 December, they finally presented all their proofs-of-concept and prototypes to a packed audience at IdeaSquare. >>

CERN encourages girls to "expand their horizons"

On 14 November, CERN took part for the fourth time in "Élargis tes horizons" (see here), a conference organised every two years at Geneva University for girls from the local region aged 11 to 14 aiming to encourage them to take up studies and careers in the scientific and technical domains. >>

Training course for eighteen teachers at CERN

From 8 to 10 December, 18 teachers from all over France attended a three-day training course on matter, organised by the LAMAP Foundation (Fondation La main à la pâte, see here) and hosted by CERN and S'Cool Lab. The LAMAP Foundation, set up by Georges Charpak in 1995, aims to help primary school teachers use the investigative process to instil the scientific spirit in their pupils.  >>

Staff members with 25 years' service at CERN in 2015

The 30 staff members who have spent 25 years within CERN in 2015 were invited by the Director-General to a reception in their honour on 10 December.  >>


On Tuesday 8 December, a TEDGlobal Conference took place at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices (BFM) in downtown Geneva. >>

From the CERN web: grid computing, night shift, ridge effect and more

This section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing...   >>

Computer Security: a plea to Santa Claus

Running pirated software or illegal licences, using cracking tools to bypass software activation measures, sharing music and films – these are problems that academic environments unfortunately have to deal with. All violate the copyright of the software/music/film owners, and copyright owners are not Santa Claus...  >>

How CERN promotes innovation and entrepreneurship

The promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship is a crucial factor in CERN’s overall mission of maximising technological and knowledge returns to society. CERN’s Knowledge Transfer (KT) group assiduously works to this aim, through a variety of activities. >>

Official News

Official holidays in 2016 and end-of-year closure 2016/2017  
Pension payment dates in 2016  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS): Monthly Contributions for 2016  
New CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) forms  
Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 3) - Conditions of access to the fenced parts of the CERN site  

Training and Development

Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of June 2016)  


CERN Bulletin publication schedule for 2016  
Find out more about CERN's 5-yearly review  
End of incoming ICMP (“pings”)  
Wanted: Moderators for International Masterclasses in Particle Physics  
Joint universities accelerator school (JUAS)- Places available  
European school of instrumentation for particle and astroparticle physics (ESIPAP) - Places available  
CERN’s 2016 Beamline for Schools competition starts on 17 November  


Academic Training Lectures | Stuxnet and Cyber-Warfare | 13-14 January 2016  

Staff Association

Election of the new Executive Committee: Combining continuity and renewal  
Collection for Refugiees  
Cine Club  